Breathtaking Boeing 747 Cockpit Scenes

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Some Aviation Facts

  • It may comfort you to know 95.7 percent of people involved in plane crashes survive.
  • Two million passengers in the U.S. board more than 30,000 flights every day.
  • The oldest airline still operating under the same name is Dutch airline KLM Royal Dutch Airlines.
  • The BD-5 Micro is the world's smallest jet aircraft. It has a wingspan of 14 to 21 ft. and weighs 358 lbs. Only 100 were made, but many variants still fly today; one famously appeared in the Bond film Octopussy.
  • One of the largest military aircraft, the C-5 stands six stories tall. Its length of 143 feet is longer than the Wright Brothers' first flight of 120 ft.
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Flying at 70,000 ft


The Lockheed U-2, nicknamed "Dragon Lady", is a single-engine, high altitude reconnaissance aircraft operated by the United States Air Force (USAF) and previously flown by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). It provides day and night, very high-altitude (70,000 feet / 21,000 m), all-weather intelligence gathering. The U-2 has also been used for electronic sensor research, satellite calibration, and communications purposes.

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Airbus A380: Facts

Airbus A380

Airbus A380: 15 Interesting Facts

The first fact about A380 will surprise you. Many believe that A380 is the largest plane in the world. It is not! There is one more airplane called Antonov An-225, it is larger than A380. It is russian-made aircraft and built for cargo transportation only.

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Why does ASP.NET MVC 4 SimpleMembershipProvider keep creating aspnetdb.mdf?


When you create a new ASP.NET MVC 4 Internet Web Application it creates a nice template with authentication enabled with new SimpleMembershipProvider It contains InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute class which creates built-in Entity Framework Code First database and initializes Simple Membership:

using (var context = new UsersContext()) 
    if (!context.Database.Exists())
        // Create the SimpleMembership database without Entity Framework migration schema       
WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection( "DefaultConnection", "UserProfile", "UserId", "UserName",  autoCreateTables: true);
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TrueLayer Backend Engineer

Team Rapture Team Member, since 2011