
How to move your source code from TFS VCS to TFS Git or GitHub


There's an excellent cross platform command line tool available called Git-TF. In a nutshell, it will let you clone an existing TFS managed project and initialize a local git repository. You can then hook itself to a remote Git repository (Gothub, Bitbucket etc.) and push the code along with all the commit / checkin history. I just moved one of my projects from TFS VCS to TFS Git in less than 30min in Mac running macOs.

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LINQPad: Dump with Syntax Highlighting


LINQPad is where I breathe and eat in a typical day at work. I use a lot of extension methods inside that makes my life easy. I decided to share some of the most useful ones here when I get some time to write. Most of them were found online that can be found even now but I thought It'd be helpful if all of them had been on one place and I could just copy then all at the first place! This is the post number 1 of [I don't know how many I'd write] article series.

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Why does ASP.NET MVC 4 SimpleMembershipProvider keep creating aspnetdb.mdf?


When you create a new ASP.NET MVC 4 Internet Web Application it creates a nice template with authentication enabled with new SimpleMembershipProvider It contains InitializeSimpleMembershipAttribute class which creates built-in Entity Framework Code First database and initializes Simple Membership:

using (var context = new UsersContext()) 
    if (!context.Database.Exists())
        // Create the SimpleMembership database without Entity Framework migration schema       
WebSecurity.InitializeDatabaseConnection( "DefaultConnection", "UserProfile", "UserId", "UserName",  autoCreateTables: true);
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How to use Hardware based Compass in Windows Phone 7 without Compass API


Microsoft hasn't provided API for accessing compass present in Windows Phone 7 device. For this reason getting compass value is difficult (not impossible, describing below) on smartphones running Windows Phone 7. Fortunately, HTC released HTC Compass application few days back at Windows Phone Marketplace, that application uses an obscure way of accessing compass hardware from HTC Phone. Since I'm working on an application called ThirdEye along with my team Team Rapture, where compass is very much necessary, we were hunting the internet for any solution if the compass is possible to be accessed thought API is not present at this period of time. Finally, I succeed. Here are the steps I followed to get the value of compass in Windows Phone 7. I tested the code in HTC HD7 and it worked fine.

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TrueLayer Backend Engineer

Team Rapture Team Member, since 2011